
The mirror suspensions in gravitational wave detectors demand low mechanical loss jointing to ensure good enough detector performance and to enable the detection of gravitational waves. Hydroxide catalysis bonds have been used in the fused silica suspensions of the GEO600, Advanced LIGO, and Advanced Virgo detectors. Future detectors may use cryogenic cooling of the mirror suspensions and this leads to a potential change of mirror material and suspension design. Other bonding techniques that could replace or be used alongside hydroxide catalysis bonding are of interest. A design that incorporates repair scenarios is highly desirable. Indeed, the mirror suspensions in KAGRA, which is made from sapphire and operated at cryogenic temperatures, have used a combination of hydroxide catalysis bonding and gallium bonding. This Letter presents the first measurements of the mechanical loss of a gallium bond measured between 10K and 295K. It is shown that the loss, which decreases with temperature down to the level of (1.8±0.3)×10^{-4} at 10K, is comparable to that of a hydroxide catalysis bond.

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