
A highly flexible, yet conserved polypeptide loop of Hsp10 mediates binding to Hsp60 in the course of chaperonin-dependent protein folding. Previous transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (trNOE) studies with peptides based on the mobile loop of the Escherichiacoli and bacteriophage T4 Hsp10s suggested that the mobile loop adopts a characteristic hairpin turn upon binding to the E. coli Hsp60 GroEL. In this paper, we identify the sequence and characterize the nascent structure and dynamics of the 18-residue mobile loop in the 15N-enriched human Hsp10. We also identify four residues of another flexible loop, the roof beta hairpin. The mobile loop and/or roof beta hairpin of several subunits are absent from the X-ray crystal structure of human Hsp10. NMR data suggest that the mobile loop of Hsp10 preferentially samples a hairpin conformation despite the fact that the backbone motion resembles that of a disordered polypeptide. Analysis of backbone dynamics by measurement of 15N relaxation times, T1 and T2, and the 1H-15N nuclear Overhauser effect (1H-15N NOE) indicates that motion is greatest near the center of the loop. Inversion of the temperature dependence of the T1 near the center of the loop marks a transition to motion with a dominant time scale of less than 3 ns. Analysis of the relaxation data by spectral density mapping shows that subnanosecond motion increases uniformly along the loop at elevated temperatures, whereas nanosecond motion increases near the ends of the loop and decreases near the center of the mobile loop. The transition to dominance by fast motion in the center of the loop occurs at a distance from the well-structured part of Hsp10 that is equal to the persistence length of an unstructured polypeptide. Simulation of the spectral density function for the 15N resonance and its temperature dependence using the Lipari-Szabo formalism suggests that the dominant time scales of loop motion range from 0.6 to 18 ns. For comparison, the time scale for molecular rotation of the 70 kDa Hsp10 heptamer is estimated to be 37 ns. Complex behavior of the T2 relaxation time indicates that motion also occurs on longer time scales. All of the modes of loop motion are likely to have an impact on Hsp10/Hsp60 interaction and therefore affect Hsp10/Hsp60 function as a chaperonin.

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