
Background information: Vaccines are temperature-sensitive biological preparations, 2-8°C or cold chain period were the appropriate range. The change of the temperature during transport system might be effect to vaccines quality assurance. Purpose: This descriptive study was to analyze the data temperature of Diphtheria-Tetanus- Pertussis and Hepatitis B vaccine, DPT-HB vaccine in cold chain system in fiscal year 2011-2012. We aimed to find the factor that effected to vaccine cold chain system, such as area of vaccine transport, seasonal and type of health care unit. Method: Temperature data of DPT-HB vaccine that supplied to health care units in National Health Security Office (NHSO) Region 1 area, included 8 provinces in northern part of Thailand were analyzed. The temperature data were collected by computerized data logger and analyzed by SPSS for window version 17.0 and Logtag analyzer program. Result: Temperature data from 322 health care units were analyzed. Most of data (40.4%) was from Lamphun province. Most temperature data was collected from Primary Care Unit; PCU in both fiscal years. The highest number of temperature data was reported in October of fiscal year 2011 and in February of fiscal year 2012. Most of the health care worker did not set the computerize data logger follow the direction. The period of time setting data logger was very fluctuates. In fiscal year 2011, DPT-HB vaccine temperature had lower than 2°C at 86.9%, higher than 8°C at 90.4% and in fiscal year 2012, DPT-HB vaccine temperature had lower than 2°C at 78.5%, higher than 8°C at 92.5%. Type of health care unit did not effect to vaccine’s temperature monitor but seasonal had significant effect. Health care units were well developed ability in usage the computerize data logger from fiscal year 2011 to year 2012, especially in the period lower than 2°C. Conclusion: Type of health care unit did not effect to vaccine’s temperature control following the World Health Organization criteria. Seasonal had significant effect to vaccine’s temperature control. The study also found that most of the health care worker did not follow the handout of computerize data logger. Based on the study results, adequate equipment, provide training and supervision about new and current computerize data logger were recommended to support to maximize the efficacy and effectiveness of vaccine and cold chain monitoring in health care unit.

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