
Temperature and salinity tolerances were determined for larval California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres), and compared with previous data for Gulf of California grunion, L. sardina (Jenkins & Evermann). Larvae of similar age and acclimation history showed little interspecific difference in thermal tolerance, as measured by half-hour LT 50 values for 20–30 day old late postlarvae acclimated at various temperatures, and by upper and lower incipient lethal temperatures for 18°C-acclimated prolarvae. The upper incipient lethal temperature differed by 1 deg.-C (32°C for L. tenuis, 31°C for L. sardina), while the lower incipient lethal temperature for the 18°C acclimated prolarvae of both species was 7.5°C. L. tenuis larvae were much less euryhaline than L. sardina, with incipient lethal salinities of 4.2–41 %. for prolarvae and 8.6–38 %. for 20-day-old postlarvae; comparable values for L. sardina are 4–67.5 %. and 5–57.5 %. Both species show a decrease in temperature and salinity tolerance with age. The larvae of these disjunct congeners show a significant physiological divergence in euryhalinity but not in overall temperature tolerance. These tolerances are discussed in relation to the respective geographic ranges and behavioral responses of the two species.

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