
Daily temperature and salinity values of surface water at Solomons, Maryland, midway down the Chesapeake estuary, have been tabulated and averaged for a 20-year period. Fluctuations are shown by graphic representation of the monthly means and ranges. Relationship of the Solomons data to those for other parts of the Chesapeake is discussed. Water temperatures have varied from 31° to −0.8°C and do not deviate widely from the average annual pattern. Seasonal 20-year means are: winter 4.3°, spring 11.9°, summer 25.6° and fall 18.2°. The freezing point was reached during 4 years of the 20-year base period. The seasonal salinity pattern is rather variable with minima usually reached in late spring and maxima in late fall. Long-term trends show a much greater range than do fluctuations associated with stage of tide, local precipitation and wind-generated water movements. Extreme values are 20.4 and 5.4 parts per thousand. Seasonal 20-year means are: winter 14.8, spring 11.4, summer 12.3 and fall 15.7.

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