
The impact of temperature and photoperiod on duration of gonotrophic development and fecundity in a Gainesville strain of Aedes albopictus Skuse were observed in laboratory settings. Photoperiodic regimens at 24L:0D, 14L:10D, 12L:12D, 8L:16D, and 0L:24D were tested on females reared at 25° C. A series of temperatures 15° C, 20° C, 25° C, 30° C, and 33º C were tested on females reared at 16L:8D. The gonotrophic development duration showed a significant difference only between 8L:16D and 0L:24D which had the longest and shortest cycles, respectively. Fecundity was highest at 14L:10D and lowest at 0L:24D without significant differences between different photoperiodic regimens. Both 1st and 2nd gonotrophic cycle durations differed significantly only between 15° C/ 20° C and 33º C which had the longest and shortest cycles, respectively. The highest temperature had the highest fecundity in the 1st gonotrophic cycle whereas it had the lowest fecundity in the 2nd cycle. The findings of this study would benefit in estimating field Ae. albopictus population for control and for rearing purposes.Aedes albopictus

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