
Sandersonia flowers can vary from being lantern- to tubular-shaped. Lantern-shaped flowers are considered to be most commercially desirable when the ratio of the widest to the narrowest diameters of a flower, termed the ratio of hips to waist, is 1.5 or greater. Pedicel length can also affect the overall appearance of a flower stem. Short pedicels are considered more desirable. The influences of temperature and irradiance on Sandersonia aurantiaca flower shape and pedicel length were examined in controlled environment (CE) growth rooms. The growing environments were at constant temperatures of 15, 18, 21, 24 or 27 °C; or day/night temperature differentials of −6, 0, +6, +12, or +18 °C, with a mean of 21 °C. Photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) were 700, 460 or 210 μmol m −2 s −1. At harvest, measurements were made of the widest and narrowest diameters of the oldest flower on each stem and the ratio of these parts was calculated. The pedicel length of the oldest flower was also measured. Environments with constant temperatures below 23 °C and the least day/night temperature differentials (−6, 0 and +6 °C) produced flowers of the most desirable shape, defined as having a hips to waist ratio of 1.5 or greater. At these temperatures, irradiance had a variable effect on flower shape. Pedicel length was also highly dependent on temperature and PPFD. As mean temperatures increased or as the temperature differential changed towards a differential of 12 °C, and as PPFD decreased, pedicel length increased significantly. Hip diameter was more sensitive to environmental changes than waist diameter and thus had a greater effect on flower shape. This work indicates to growers that they can enhance Sandersonia flower quality by producing more desirably shaped flowers with short pedicels through maintaining relatively low (less than 23 °C) mean temperatures, minimising temperature differentials, and maintaining irradiance levels as high as possible.

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