
Thin film Au/Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/SrRuO3 capacitor structures, with a thickness of dielectric varying between ∼70 and ∼950 nm, were deposited on {001} MgO single-crystal substrates using pulsed laser deposition. Low-field dielectric measurements were performed as a function of temperature and frequency. At all temperatures and frequencies, the dielectric response as a function of thickness was found to adhere reasonably well to the so-called “series capacitor model,” from which nominal “bulk” and “interfacial” capacitance components could be extracted. The bulk component showed weak frequency dependence but strong temperature dependence, with a peak in permittivity and dielectric loss around 250 K and 150 K, respectively. Well above 250 K, reasonable Curie–Weiss behavior was evident. Overall, the extracted bulk component behaved much as would be expected in real bulk ceramics or single crystals lending confidence as to the general applicability of the series capacitor model. The functional behavior of the extracted interfacial capacitance was rationalized as being due to a combination of a thermally independent background, and thermally activated space charge. The activation energy of the space charge (∼0.6 eV) is commensurate with the detrapping of electrons from shallow level traps associated with oxygen vacancies. Importantly, since this component acts in series with the bulk component, the functional analysis performed here implies that the oxygen vacancies lie in a plane parallel to the electrodes.

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