
Event Abstract Back to Event Temperature and fish community in the Cantabrian Sea Antonio Punzon Merino1*, Lucia Lopez Lopez1, Jose Manuel González Irusta1, Izaskun Preciado Ramirez1, Manuel Hidalgo2, Alberto Serrrano1, Elena Tel3, Susana Ruiz1, Olaya Fernandez Zapico1 and Maria Angeles Blanco Giner1 1 Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain 2 Instituto Español de Oceanorafía, Spain 3 Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Spain An space-time increasing fish richness has been detected in the Cantabrian Sea. This increase is due to the fact that typical species in this area, most with Lusitanian affinities, have increased their FO and abundance. In other words, this increase is not due to incorporation of new species in the study area as it happens in other areas such as the North Sea and the Irish Sea. This increase has been associated with global warming, although a simultaneous effect of fishing effort decreasing is not excluded. This phenomenon of rising typical species of the temperate zone has been called "meridionalization". The study area is characterized by a large oceanographic spatial variability. This will allow us to analyze whether there is a spatial correlation between the thermal characteristics of the study area and fish communities. And it will allow us to characterize the fish communities of the Cantabrian depending on the response to the oceanographic characteristics of the area. On the other hand, there is evidence of intermediate temperature warming and changes in the trend in the upwelling index, if there is a relationship between temperature and the community, these changes in temperature should be translated into changes in the community. So the temporal evolution of the fish community Cantabrian depending on the main oceanographic features of the area will be analyzed. Thus, this paper will address the local response of fish communities to temperature, and if this link exists, it allow us to rule out the possible effect of fishing on the detected changes in species as possible synchronous effect along with temperature . Keywords: global changes, Cantabrian coast, demersal fish, temperature, survey research Conference: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto, Portugal, 5 Sep - 9 Sep, 2016. Presentation Type: Oral Presentation Topic: 2. GLOBAL CHANGES, INVASIVE SPECIES AND CONSERVATION Citation: Punzon Merino A, Lopez Lopez L, González Irusta J, Preciado Ramirez I, Hidalgo M, Serrrano A, Tel E, Ruiz S, Fernandez Zapico O and Blanco Giner M (2016). Temperature and fish community in the Cantabrian Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00028 Copyright: The abstracts in this collection have not been subject to any Frontiers peer review or checks, and are not endorsed by Frontiers. They are made available through the Frontiers publishing platform as a service to conference organizers and presenters. The copyright in the individual abstracts is owned by the author of each abstract or his/her employer unless otherwise stated. Each abstract, as well as the collection of abstracts, are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 (attribution) licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and may thus be reproduced, translated, adapted and be the subject of derivative works provided the authors and Frontiers are attributed. For Frontiers’ terms and conditions please see https://www.frontiersin.org/legal/terms-and-conditions. Received: 29 Apr 2016; Published Online: 02 Sep 2016. * Correspondence: Dr. Antonio Punzon Merino, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Santander, Spain, antonio.punzon@st.ieo.es Login Required This action requires you to be registered with Frontiers and logged in. To register or login click here. Abstract Info Abstract The Authors in Frontiers Antonio Punzon Merino Lucia Lopez Lopez Jose Manuel González Irusta Izaskun Preciado Ramirez Manuel Hidalgo Alberto Serrrano Elena Tel Susana Ruiz Olaya Fernandez Zapico Maria Angeles Blanco Giner Google Antonio Punzon Merino Lucia Lopez Lopez Jose Manuel González Irusta Izaskun Preciado Ramirez Manuel Hidalgo Alberto Serrrano Elena Tel Susana Ruiz Olaya Fernandez Zapico Maria Angeles Blanco Giner Google Scholar Antonio Punzon Merino Lucia Lopez Lopez Jose Manuel González Irusta Izaskun Preciado Ramirez Manuel Hidalgo Alberto Serrrano Elena Tel Susana Ruiz Olaya Fernandez Zapico Maria Angeles Blanco Giner PubMed Antonio Punzon Merino Lucia Lopez Lopez Jose Manuel González Irusta Izaskun Preciado Ramirez Manuel Hidalgo Alberto Serrrano Elena Tel Susana Ruiz Olaya Fernandez Zapico Maria Angeles Blanco Giner Related Article in Frontiers Google Scholar PubMed Abstract Close Back to top Javascript is disabled. Please enable Javascript in your browser settings in order to see all the content on this page.

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