
Chilling injury is one of the major abiotic stresses which influence the production and quality of the most economically important crops of tropical and subtropical origin. Although safflower is cold tolerant, the level of tolerance significantly differs with phenological stages. This problem poses a major threat to safflower growers in countries with Mediterranean type of climate. Therefore, a study was undertaken to identify the low temperature and duration of exposure which causes chilling injury at blooming stage. The results showed that chilling incidence occurred when safflower plants were exposure to 0 and 4°C for duration of 8 and 12 hours. Plants exposure to 4°C for 8 hours did not develop chilling injury, however plants exposed to 0°C for 12 hours all suffered from chilling. Hence the lower the chilling temperature and the longer the length of exposure, the more the chilling occurrence and severity in safflower.

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