
ABSTRACTCool‐water skeletal carbonate sediments are forming in Spencer Gulf, South Australia, an area of high salinity and moderate tidal range. Four environments can be distinguished: deeper marine areas (10–20 m); shallow subtidal platforms and banks (2–10 m); intertidal and supratidal zones; and coastal springs and lakes fed by saline continental groundwaters. The sediments are predominately bioclastic carbonate sands; muddy sediments occur in protected intertidal environments. The most common grain types are gastropods, bivalves, foraminifera, coralline algae and quartz. Indurated non‐skeletal carbonate grains have not been seen. Composition of the sediment varies little between environments, but considerable textural variation results from variation in the stability of the substrate, hydrodynamic conditions, depth of water, period of tidal inundation, supply of terrigenous grains, temperature, and salinity. The Spencer Gulf data suggests that temperature, and particularly minimum temperature, controls the distribution of skeletal and non‐skeletal grain associations in high‐salinity environments. The textures of the sedimentary facies of Spencer Gulf closely parallel those of equivalent environments in warm‐water carbonate provinces.

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