
Social implications LifeBank is primarily focused on tackling the challenge of maternal mortality in Nigeria and other African countries by providing women access to blood, thereby tackling the challenge of gender inequality. The company employed both men and women at its workplace providing equal opportunities for men and women. Learning outcomes Discuss how women entrepreneurs are solving social problems in developing countries using technology and innovation. Analyze the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in getting the right human capital, raising funds and managing growth for their social business. Case overview/synopsis The case discusses how social entrepreneur Temie Giwa-Tubosun (Temie) founded LifeBank, a medical distribution company, to provide access to blood, medical oxygen and vaccines to hospitals in Nigeria. The company used technology to provide information to health providers about which blood bank stored the blood type they needed and delivered it quickly and safely to help save lives. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

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