
Temazepam, 7.5 mg was evaluated in the sleep laboratory in 8 elderly insomniacs, using a 14-night protocol (4 placebo-baseline nights, 7 drug nights, and 3 placebo-withdrawal nights). With short-term use temazepam was found to be effective, producing a significant improvement in total wake time from baseline (100 vs. 145 min). With continued drug administration, total wake time remained below baseline but not significantly so (125 vs. 145 min). During drug administration, there were no major CNS and behavioral adverse effects reported such as daytime sedation, memory impairment or hyperexcitability (daytime anxiety). Following drug withdrawal, there was no significant increase in wakefulness, i.e., no rebound insomnia (150 vs. 145 min). In summary, temazepam, 7.5 mg is effective in elderly subjects with short-term use and has a minimum of adverse effects. Use of hypnotic drugs is an adjunctive therapy which should be for a short-term period with subsequent short-term intermittent use as needed. Because of its low propensity for producing rebound insomnia, temazepam can be effectively used in this manner.

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