
The placenta provides nutritional and gas exchange between fetus and mother. Early in pregnancy, placental trophoblasts proliferate rapidly and invade aggressively. As pregnancy progresses, placental cells begin to age. Indeed, pregnancy itself has a tightly regulated duration, determined in large part by placental lifespan. Late in pregnancy, placental cells reach a senescent apoptotic state, activated by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including oxidative stress (OS), and DNA damage. Pregnancy complications, stillbirths and neonatal deaths have been related to OS and abnormal placental aging. Telomeres, the protective nucleoprotein structures at the ends of linear chromosomes, shorten both from cell replication and from exposure to OS. When telomeres become critically short they trigger cell cycle arrest and eventually cell death. Telomere attrition thus provide an intrinsic mechanism to explain tissue senescence and aging. Mounting evidence suggests that senescence of placental and fetal membrane cells results from telomere attrition. We review the studies that have addressed the role of telomere length (TL) in placentas from normal and complicated pregnancies, including pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, gestational diabetes, and stillbirth. To date studies have uncovered associations between TL and a number of obstetrical complications. Future research is needed to determine whether these associations are causative, i.e. whether these clinical conditions result from telomere dysfunction, and whether particular features of telomeres, e.g. mean or shortest length, etc. could serve as clinically useful biomarkers of placental health.

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