
Primary and supergene Te minerals are identifed in quartz veins of the Priozernoe deposit (Sverdlovsk oblast, Northern Urals, Russia) and studied by optical methods, electron microprobe analysis, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Tellurides include altaite, hessite, melonite, petzite, and sylvanite. Their individual grains and intergrowths occur as small inclusions in quartz. Supergene minerals include telluroperite, northstarite, adanite, burckhardtite, kuranakhite, and schieffelinite. They replace galena, hessite and cerussite or form monomineral grains and veinlets in quartz. Northstarite, adanite, and schieffelinite are found for the frst time in Russian Federation, while the fndings of telluroperite and burckhardtite are second. Kuranakhite is found for the frst time in the Northern Urals. The fndings of supergene Te minerals in Russia are reviewed. Keywords: Priozernoe deposit, Northern Urals, tellurium mineralization, tellurides, tellurates, north-starite, adanite, schieffelinite, burckhardtite, frst fnds of minerals in Russia, supergene minerals.

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