
“Telling a past, dreaming a future” - The essence of narrative pastoral counsellingThe article examines the possibilities of negotiating the double movement created by living towards the future and dreaming out of the future into the present. Story telling in the pastoral environment is suggested as a means of bringing together the past and the expected future. A circular approach to time can help immensely by bringing together past and future in a meaningful way. This becomes possible in the pastoral environment where there is real understanding between pastor and client through thorough communication and the reframing of the past. The importance of language in understanding and the transformative power of narrative are stressed, as well as Christian hope as the most fundamental way of finding meaning out of the future into the present.


  • “Telling a past, dreaming a future” - The essence of narrative pastoral counseling The article examines the possibilities o f negotiating the double movement created by living towards the fu tu re and dreaming out o f the fu tu re into the present

  • Juffrou was nog besig om stories te vertel en op die mat het die groepie kinders geskaterlag

  • “Like many o f my contemporaries, I became disillusioned with the out­ comes o f social psychological research and theorizing carried out under the guiding postulates o f positivism ” (Sarbin 1986:ix)

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Verhaal en narratief word vir die doeleindes van hierdie artikel as sinoniem e gebruik en in die w ydste denkbare sin daarvan. Hoewel stories wat op die stoep en voor slaaptyd vir kinders vertel w ord absoluut deel van ons lewe is, gaan dit nie in die artikel oor méér. Die pastor w at ‘n narratiew e benadering het, sal dit as sy groot taak sien om te luister na, en om die stories van mense te interpreteer. Tye en in verskillende om standighede het sekere persone, sake o f dinge so ‘n indruk op ‘n individu gem aak dat hy o f sy dit belangrik genoeg ag om deel van ‘n pcrsoonlike verhaal te word. V eral w aar daar ‘n blokkasie ontstaan het in die persoonlike verhaal, w ord her-vertel noodsaaklik. Dit is nie ‘n goedkoop, m aklike m etode van w erk nie, m aar vereis ware persoonlike betrokkenheid, opregte luister, en diep m edemenslike meelewing

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