
The walls of mature teliospores and the development of ornamentation, as seen by transmission electron microscopy, are described for 37 genera of smut fungi, based on observations of ca. 120 species and on literature. Structural diversity of mature teliospore walls is due to differences in spore wall layers forming the spore wall (endosporium, middle layer, exosporium, ornamentation) and to different elements forming the ornamentation (exosporium, ornaments, sheath, hyphal wall, adjacent fungal cells, material of the host). During teliosporogenesis the outer layers are usually deposited first. At the beginning of the formation of the ornamentation the plasma membrane may be smooth or undulated carrying the developing ornaments on its tips or in its depressions. The ornamentation of some genera appears similar when seen by scanning electron microscopy, but can be the product of different developmental patterns (e.g., warts of species ofFarysia, Tilletia, andUstilago), however, warty and reticulate ornamentation can both be produced by similar developmental processes (shown, e.g., for species ofCintractia andTilletia). Typical structures of the mature teliospore wall and developmental patterns based on homologous similarities are described for the following groups of genera or species:Macalpinomyces, Melanopsichium, Sporisorium, andUstilago infecting members of the family Poaceae;Kuntzeomyces, Testicularia, andTrichocintractia; Anthracoidea, Cintractia, Heterotolyposporium piluliforme, andTolyposporium junci; Glomosporium, Sorosporium, andThecaphora; Conidiosporomyces, Erratomyces, Ingoldiomyces, Neovossia, Oberwinkleria, andTilletia; Entyloma, and genera of the Doassansia group;Liroa, Microbotryum, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago infecting dicotyledons, andZundeliomyces; Aurantiosporium, Fulvisporium, andUstilentyloma. Special characteristics of the teliospore wall were observed for the generaDermatosorus, Doassinga, Entorrhha, Farysia, Mycosyrinx, Rhamphospora, and some species ofTolyposporium.

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