
Television has a direct and straight relation with children lives. At early stage of their life, they become familiar to cartoon programmes on television. The early exposure to the television intermingle their lives with the characters they watch on television and affects their later life. It has been researched that television plays a significant role in the development of children’s moral formation. But the social and economic dimension of Indian villages is different from cities. Mostly, rural children believe in what they watch on television while urban children are more intelligent in understanding and choosing their contents. The prime aim of this study was to find out the role of television in children moral formation. A fewer studies have been conducted on television impact in rural areas of India. A sample of sixty students was chosen randomly from the 9 th and 10 th class according to their availability. The study concluded that there is a deep relation in watching television and moral development of children. Majority of the children behave the way they watch people performing activities on the television screen and follow them in their everyday life.

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