
Scientific activities related to experimentation in long duration microgravity missions can only be accomplished by the implementation of the Telescience Concept. Telescience is in fact the logical answer to the need of an intelligent interactive conduct of experiments, to the lack (or very little availability) of crew time on board of the Segments of the Columbus project and to the PIs demand for decentralized operations. Telescience could also be seen as the preparative phase for the ultimate, future exploitation of Microgravity by means of Expert Systems that will utilize AI and Robotics for routine operations (Data Factories, Space Productions and Commercial Enterprises). The implications of Telescience on future Space Activities is reviewed with reference to the Principal Investigator Activities, Crew Members Roles and Facilities. The possibilities offered by newly designed Facilities to be operated in Telescience are pointed out with reference to the scientific objectives that would not be achieved otherwise. Diagnostic facilities (mainly non invasive) that provide digital measurements to be inputted (in real time) into numerical codes for computation of field parameters are being considered. Ground Segment Structure, User Support Centers Organization and Test Bedding activities will be discussed as essential factors of the Telescience Scenario of the Multiuser, permanent platform Facilities for the Microgravity disciplines (Material, Fluid, Life and Engineering Science).

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