
Hybrid entanglement between discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) quantum systems is an essential resource for heterogeneous quantum networks. Our previous work showed that in lossy channels the teleportation of DV qubits, via CV-entangled states, can be significantly improved by a new protocol defined by a modified Bell state measurement at the sender. This work explores whether a new, similarly modified, CV-based teleportation protocol can lead to improvement in the transfer of hybrid entangled states. To set the scene, we first determine the performance of such a modified protocol in teleporting CV-only qubits, showing that significant improvement over traditional CV-based teleportation is obtained. We then explore similar modifications in the teleportation of a specific hybrid entangled state showing that significant improvement over traditional CV-based teleportation is again found. For a given channel loss, we find teleporting the DV qubit of the hybrid entangled state can always achieve higher fidelity than teleporting the CV qubit. We then explore the use of various non-Gaussian operations in our modified teleportation protocol, finding that, at a cost of lower success probability, quantum scissors provides the most improvement in the loss tolerance. Our new results emphasize that in lossy conditions, the quantum measurements undertaken at the sender can have a surprising and dramatic impact on CV-based teleportation.

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