
We propose a scheme to teleport a two-mode entangled coherent state encoded with two-qubit information, which is better than the two schemes recently proposed by Liao and Kuang (2007 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 1183) and by Phien and Nguyen (2008 Phys. Lett. A 372 2825) in that our scheme gives higher value of minimum assured fidelity and minimum average fidelity without using any nonlinear interactions. For involved coherent states | ± α⟩, minimum average fidelity in our case is ⩾0.99 for |α| ⩾ 1.6 (i.e. |α|2 ⩾ 2.6), while previously proposed schemes referred above report the same for |α| ⩾ 5 (i.e. |α|2 ⩾ 25). Since it is very challenging to produce superposed coherent states of high coherent amplitude (|α|), our teleportation scheme is at the reach of modern technology.

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