
The paper proposes a scheme for quantum secure communication of key strings, which is based on maximally entangled pairs (EPR pairs), teleportation, and quantum channel compression (QCC). Having ensured the security of their quantum channel by means of a standard eavesdropping check communication (called here “QCC eavesdropping check communication”), Alice and Bob begin the message translation phase. The latter consists of three steps: (i) encoding (QCC encoding) data into single-qubit systems according to the message (key sequence) intended to be transferred from Alice to Bob, (ii) teleporting the encoded single-qubit systems over the established secure quantum channel, and (iii) extracting (QCC decoding) data from the received via teleportation single-qubit systems. The novel teleportation-based quantum secure communication is characterized with efficiency higher than the efficiency of any other scheme of the same type.

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