
The telencephalon is the largest region of the brain and processes critical brain activity. Despite much progress, our understanding of the telencephalon’s function, development, and pathophysiological processes remains largely incomplete. Recently, 3-dimensional brain models, known as brain organoids, have attracted considerable attention in modern neurobiological research. Brain organoids have been proven to be valuable for studying the neurodevelopmental principles and pathophysiology of the brain, as well as for developing potential therapeutics. Brain organoids can change the paradigm of current research, replacing animal models. However, there are still limitations, and efforts are needed to improve brain organoid models. In this review, we provide an overview of the development and function of the telencephalon, as well as the techniques and scientific methods used to create fully developed telencephalon organoids. Additionally, we explore the limitations and challenges of current brain organoids and potential future advancements.

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