
Behavioral interventions delivered via one-on-one telephone coaching (hereafter referred to as telehealth) for weight loss have had great population-level reach but to date limited efficacy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has promise to improve behavioral weight loss treatment efficacy by addressing the fundamental challenges of weight loss and maintenance: overeating in response to internal (e.g., stress) and external (e.g., high calorie foods) cues. Here we describe the Weight Loss, Nutrition, and Exercise Study (WeLNES) randomized controlled trial that is testing the efficacy of an ACT-based telehealth coaching intervention for weight loss in comparison to a Standard Behavioral Therapy (SBT)-based telehealth coaching intervention. A total of 398 adults with overweight or obesity are being recruited and randomized to either ACT or SBT telehealth coaching. Participants in both arms are offered twenty-five telehealth coaching sessions in year one and nine booster sessions in year two. All participants receive a Bluetooth-enabled scale to self-monitor weight and a Fitbit Inspire + Fitbit app for tracking diet and physical activity. The primary aim is to determine whether a greater proportion of ACT participants will achieve a clinically significant weight loss of ≥10% compared with SBT participants at 12-months. Secondary outcomes include change in weight from baseline to 6, 12, and 24-months. Whether the effect of ACT on weight loss is mediated by ACT processes and is moderated by baseline factors will also be examined. If ACT proves efficacious, ACT telehealth coaching will offer an effective, broadly scalable weight loss treatment—thereby making a high public health impact.

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