
Wind-wave parameters like the significant wave height (SWH)impacts considerably deep ocean and maritime activities and lives of all those dwelling near the coast.Prediction of such a parameter has immense utility during extreme conditions. Teleconnection features are explored between the most widely studied climate mode, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation or ENSO and the SWHparameter in the Bay of Bengal (BB) region under the influence of monsoon in this study.In two separate experiments the SWH data of the BB region for the period 1958-2001 and the period 2006-2016 is subjected to empirical orthogonal function analysis to split the data into spatial and temporal parts.The temporal variations are of annual periodicity for both the data sets. On analysis teleconnection feature of lower (higher) SWH during El Niño (La Niña) episodes is observed in the BB region. Significant correlationis observed between SWH and the ENSO indices during the summer monsoon months.The continuous wavelet power spectrum is generated using the first principal component (PC1) extracted above. It exhibits significant regions in the 0.5-1 year band resembling the monsoon variability in the BB region. To determine how SWH is related to the ENSO indices wavelet coherence is applied for the BB region.The higher coherency regions are found in the 0.5-1 year band which maybe related to the monsoon oscillation having similar periodicity. Thus the SWH and ENSO relationship in the BB region is influenced by the monsoon significantly.


  • Random waves generated on the ocean surface play important role in local and global climate changes through various atmosphere-ocean interactions.Prediction of wind-wave parameter along the coasts during extreme conditions is of paramount importance

  • For the period 1958-2001,empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis are conducted for the months of July and December separately and taking three months significant wave height (SWH) data at a time.The temporal variations of the SWH data of the Bay of Bengal (BB) region are tested with the ENSO indices for significant correlations

  • EOF analysis is applied on the SWH data of the BB region for July and December separately for the period 1958-2001

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Random waves generated on the ocean surface play important role in local and global climate changes through various atmosphere-ocean interactions.Prediction of wind-wave parameter along the coasts during extreme conditions is of paramount importance. Bay of Bengal; Monsoon; Niño3.4 Index; Significant Wave Height; Wavelet Analysis. Considering the major cyclonic months, October to December in the BB region, for the period 1993-2010, there is a negative correlation between the Oceanic Niño Index and the cyclone energy[7].

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