
Abstrac t - In this study independent variable that used are brand image and the quality of product, while dependent variable is purchasing decision This study aims to know the description and the influence between brand image variable and the quality of product toward purchasing decision. The research method use is quantitative by using statistic analysis. Whereas the research design used in this study are descriptive and verificative method. Sample of the study is 99 respondent by using purposive sampling technicque. The analysis method used are multiple linear regression analysis, determination test, t-test, and F-test, the perception of brand image and the quality of product are proven significantly influence purchasing decision. It means that brand image and the quality of product influence purchasing decision simultaneously with the contribution is 43,3%; R 2 = 0,433; F(3,1359)= 36,688; p >0,01. In the test of partially, only the quality of product variable that has positive effect and significant with the value of t (3,1359)=6,766; p > 0,05, it means that the quality of product influences positive and significantly toward purchasing decision partially; while for brand image from the result of t-test is obtained the value of t result (1,985)= 0,0567; p 0,05, artinya kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara parsial, sedangakan untuk citra merek dari hasil uji t didapatkan hasil t (1,985)= 0,0567; p < 0,05.

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