
The Covid-19 pandemic became an obstacle to social and economic activities, including education and learning especially. In the normal condition, the learning usually carried out classically turns into online in the pandemic era. In other words, the learning must be carried out, even during a pandemic. The research objective was to analyze the profile of learning resources through a learning community based on a virtual collaborative learning model in the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was Research and Development by using the 4D Model Thiagarajan, reinforce in the validation and evaluation based on virtual collaborative learning. This research was conducted in senior high school biology study in the biology education department of teacher training and education faculty of Muhammadiyah Metro University. The subjects of this study were 32 students divided into 13 virtual groups. One group has a role as developer of the learning materials, and another group has the role of validator and evaluator of the learning materials. The research would know the feasibility of a profile of learning materials assessed using virtual collaborative learning. The data collection techniques using a virtual observation sheet. The data collection instrument consisted of guidelines for observing the profile of learning materials. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using the indicators of learning materials. The results of the research show that the learning materials developed have a suitable profile for use. The Average score for the assessment of learning materials was 82,36. All profile indicators are showing good results. Validation and evaluation using virtual collaborative learning effectively assess a learning resource. Through this collaborative learning, the learning community during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out well. Kata kunci: Bahan ajar biologi, learning community, pembelajaran kolaboratif, pembelajaran virtual, pandemi Covid-19


  • The Covid-19 pandemic became an obstacle to social and economic activities, including education and learning especially

  • Research and Development by using the 4D Model Thiagarajan, reinforce in the validation and evaluation based on virtual collaborative learning

  • This research was conducted in senior high school biology study in the biology education department of teacher training and education faculty of Muhammadiyah Metro University

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Lebih lanjut

Muhfahroyin (2010) menjelaskan bahwa dengan pembelajaran yang berorientasi konstruktivisme pada pembelajaran biologi dapat memfasilitasi siswa meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Mengkaji dan menelaah sebuah bahan ajar dapat dilakukan secara bersama dalam kelompok-kelompok belajar yang mengacu pada learning community (Muhfahroyin & Santoso, 2019). Pembelajaran dengan cara kolaboratif akan terjadi scaffolding, yaitu siswa saling membantu untuk mencapai keberhasilan meraih kompetensi tertentu dengan bantuan sesama teman dalam kelompok belajar. Hasil proses pembelajaran kolaboratif ini dilakukan penilaian oleh sesama siswa yang ada dalam kelas yang sama. Sangat penting dikaji dan ditelaah profil bahan ajar yang dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran kolaboratif virtual untuk memfasilitasi dan memberdayakan potensi mahasiswa. Design (perancangan) dilakukan untuk menghasilkan rancangan bahan ajar yang berorientasi virtual leaning community, sebelum dilakukan tahap pengembangan. Tahap disseminate (penyebarluasan) tidak dilakukan mengingat keterbatasan waktu, biaya, dan keterbatasan komunikasi dengan stakeholder di masa pandemi Covid-19

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Panduan Pembelajaran Keterampilan
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering
Learning Activities through Lesson
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