
Technological developments provide numerous advantages for users, while competition conditions, investment costs, and consumer expectations make it difficult for manufacturers to hold on. Thus, research in the field of technology acceptance and dissemination has become more precious and is carefully followed not only by academics but also by the practice community. It has no sign that approved studies on integrating Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Readiness Index (TRI) variables in one context and explained each other in the way of characteristics of them. In this study, it was investigated elaborately mentioned circumstances for using online attendance systems. The survey sent to 389 scholars located seven universities in Turkey. The core process for this study is exploring the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) test. Consequently, significant combination of TAM and TRI variables and reveals the high predictive performance of TAM and TRI constructs together. Research model has been validated and found statistically significant and reached 58,6% explanation rate for Behavioral Intention.

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