
The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge and technology to the community from the Sinar Mentari Business Group, Sungai Geringging Village, Kampar Kiri District, Kampar Regency, in terms of processing fishery products into snack food products in the form of fish brains, fish dragon feet, and processing methods. packing and the process of presenting the resulting product better. The method used is the method of lectures, discussions, and direct practice on how to process fishery products. The results of this evaluation found that there had been a change in knowledge of 6 members of the Sinar Mentari Business Group, which showed that 5 people (83.33%) had been able to absorb the material given with a very good predicate (grade A), 1 person (16.67 %) can absorb the material given with a good predicate (B value), while those who get a sufficient predicate (C value) and poor predicate (D value) are not found. Based on the results of this evaluation, it is known that the skill level of the members of the Sinar Mentari Business group, it turns out that they have been able to process fishery products into snack food products in the form of fish brains, fish dragon legs and the process of packing as well as the process of presenting products independently and better. Meanwhile, the impact of this activity is that the housewives of Karya Mandiri Cultivator Group members have succeeded in having side activities to help their family's economy in the form of processing fish farming products.


  • The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge and technology to the community from the Sinar Mentari Business Group, Sungai Geringging Village, Kampar Kiri District, Kampar Regency, in terms of processing fishery products into snack food products in the form of fish brains, fish dragon feet, and processing methods. packing and the process of presenting the resulting product better

  • The method used is the method of lectures, discussions, and direct practice on how to process fishery products

  • The results of this evaluation found that there had been a change in knowledge of 6 members of the Sinar Mentari Business Group, which showed that 5 people (83.33%) had been able to absorb the material given with a very good predicate, 1 person (16.67 %) can absorb the material given with a good predicate (B value), while those who get a sufficient predicate (C value) and poor predicate (D value) are not found

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Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan adalah metode diskusi, ceramah dan metode praktek (learning by doing). Ceramah dan praktek ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat sasaran dalam hal ini ibu-ibu anggota Kelompok Usaha Sinar Mentari, Desa Sungai Geringging Kecamatan kampar Kiri, Kabupaten Kampar, berkaitan dengan teknologi pengolahan hasil budidaya menjadi makanan jajanan berupa otak-otak ikan, kaki naga ikan dan proses cara pemeckingan serta proses penyajian produk yang dihasilkan. Evaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui evaluasi perubahan pengetahuan, evaluasi keterampilan dan evaluasi dampak

Evaluasi perubahan pengetahuan
Evaluasi keterampilan
Evaluasi dampak
Hasil evaluasi perubahan pengetahuan
Sangat baik
Hasil evaluasi keterampilan
Hasil evaluasi dampak
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