
Dinocheirus stercoreus Turk (1949, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 12, 2: 120-126) is designated type species of the new genus Tejachernes, characterized by having 3 setae (rarely a small additional seta as well) in the cheliceral flagellum, by lacking subbasal tactile seta on the cheliceral hand, by the arrangement of tactile setae on the chelal fingers, and by the absence of a tactile seta from the fourth pedal tarsus. A redescription of the species is given, based chiefly on a series of topotypes from Bracken Cave, Comal Co., Texas, plus collections from Frio Cave, Uvalde Co., Texas. In 1949, Turk published the description of Dinocheirus stercoreus from Bracken Cave, Comal Co., Texas. Examination of a series of topotypes received from Dr. R. B. Eads and Mr. J. S. Wiseman, De- partment of Health of the State of Texas, indicates that Turk's species does not belong in Dinocheirus and that a brief supplemental descrip- tion is advisable. TEJACHERNES, NEW GENUS Type species: Dinocheirus stercoreus Turk, 1949. Description: A genus of the subfamily Chernetinae. Body robust, palps typically chernetin in appearance. Carapace with surface strong- ly granulate, setae multispinulate to moderately clavate; two eye- spots; two strongly developed transverse furrows, the posterior furrow much closer to the posterior carapacal margin than to the median furrow. Abdomen with surface of tergites coarsely granulate; marginal setae of tergites moderately clavate; eleventh sternite with a pair of sublateral acuminate tactile setae, no acuminate tactile setae on elev- enth tergite. Chelicera with three setae in flagellum (rarely a small additional seta present); galea with several rami along the distal one- half; cheliceral hand with the subbasal tactile seta wanting, the basal tactile seta broadened and terminally and subterminally paucispinu- late. Palps with investing setae multispinulate to weakly clavate; movable chelal finger with tactile seta st separated from t by no more than the width of the finger at the level of t, sb and b separated by no

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