
Abstract On 2 October 2021 we celebrate one year since the distinguished Hungarian aesthetician, philosopher, musicologist and professor Ștefan Angi from Cluj-Napoca passed away, an opportunity to meditate on this encyclopaedic researcher’s outstanding scientific work. If we go through the studies published in specialised journals (Lucrări de muzicologie [Musicology Papers], Muzica [Music] Journal) or books Muzică și estetică [Music and aesthetics] (1975), Muzicalitatea esteticului [The musicality of aesthetics] (2001), Modele al frumosului musical [Models of musical beauty] (2003), Prelegeri de estetică muzicală [Lectures on musical aesthetics] (2004 – two volumes and four tomes), De la valoare la semnificație [From value to meaning] (2005), Fotografii la minut din atelierele compozitorilor clujeni [Instant photographs from composers’ workshops in Cluj-Napoca] (2008), Site de in. Scrieri despre muzică [Flax sieves. Writings on music] (2013), Cornel Țăranu - Mărturisiri mozaicate. Studii și eseuri [Cornel Țăranu - Mosaic confessions. Studies and essays] (2014), Divertismente. Eseuri [Trifles. Essays] (2018), we observe that his lordship fundamentally contributed to various fields of music research: aesthetics, stylistics, rhetoric, musicology. Starting from the published confessions of those who knew him (Cristina Șuteu, Gânduri, Cuvinte, Fapte. Dialog cu Ștefan Angi [Thoughts, Words, Acts. Dialogue with Ștefan Angi], interview in Actualitatea Muzicală [Music news], 2016; Pavel Pușcaș, Ștefan Angi - Hominaticum Magistri – portrait in Muzica [Music] Journal, 2021), we will attempt to comment on some of the volumes of studies or according to the genre of the monograph, in order to emphasize particular features of the musicological writings of researcher Ștefan Angi.

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