
New multibeam bathymetry data and multichannel seismic profiles over 7 detailed survey sites collected during cruise no. KNOXRR06 of the R/V Rodger Revelle in 2007 fundamentally expanded the concepts about the structure of the sedimentary cover of the Ninety-East Ridge, which were based on the results of previous studies. They allow making a step forward in interpreting the nature of the unconformities and deformations. The deformation pattern of the sedimentary cover suggests three stages of tectonic activity over the ridge during the Paleocene, Eocene, and Late Miocene. As suggested by the high present-day seismicity, the last stage might continue to the present time. In addition, indirect criteria indicate young intraplate volcanism at the last stage. New data is reviewed in the context of two models of the ridge formation. The first model follows a well-known concept of the ridge representing a trace of the Kerguelen hotspot. The second one relates large outflows of basalts to the development of a giant fracture under conditions of global extension, which continued later during the sedimentary cover formation. Additional integrated geological and geophysical studies are required for understanding the nature of this unique feature.

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