
Sampling and seismic profiling in the Tofino Basin west of Vancouver Island show there is a thick sequence of Tertiary rocks ranging in age from late Eocene to Pliocene. The rocks are mainly mudstones containing abundant foraminifera indicating a bathyal depositional environment throughout most of the Tertiary. Subsequent uplift has exposed the deep water sediments on the shelf over much of the area. Eocene-Oligocene sediments occur in a belt along the inner shelf, while Miocene and Pliocene rocks lie seaward of this. Pliocene rocks form a regressive sequence overlapping the older Tertiary, with the greatest thickness in the south.At least two major periods of deformation resulted in faulting, folding, and diapirism on the continental shelf. Deformational patterns show a marked change from north to south. North of Brooks Peninsula sediments are undeformed by folding but are truncated by faulting along the steep continental slope. The Kyuquot Uplift south of Brooks Peninsula exposes Eocene-Oligocene sediments across the shelf. Farther south Mio-Pliocene sediments unconformably overlie the uplift. Folding increases southward culminating in an area of diapirism off Nootka Sound. Elongate diapirs trend parallel or subparallel to the coastline.Tectonic features on the shelf and slope appear to be related to present and earlier configurations of nearby offshore spreading centers, plates, and transform faults. Crustal plate movements may have been responsible for the observed shelf and slope deformations.

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