
This study aimed to determine the tectonic transport direction in the southeastern Sultandağları Massif based on tectonic structures observed in deformed rocks. The study area, which contains many allochthonous units, is located in the eastern parts of the Isparta Angle and includes part of the Central Taurides. The basement rocks in the study area consist of Permo-Carboniferous metacarbonate and metaclastic alternations. These Paleozoic units are overlain by Mesozoic phyllites, metaconglomerates and metacarbonates above an angular unconformity. These units are tectonically overlain by Late Cretaceous sedimentary and ophiolitic complexes, while these are unconformably overlain by Miocene-Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The study area, which presents a giant anticlinorium geometry with NW- SE trend and inverted to the SW on map scale between the settlements of Çay (Afyon) - Yenidoğan (Konya), was deformed at least three times by orogenic movements before the Miocene and gained fold, cleavage, and nappe-thrust structures. With the Alpine orogenic events, the region acquired Type-2 and Type-3 refolded interference patterns and outcrop-scale sheath folds, which are unique to shear zones. The fold axes in the region present a wide range of orientations but dominantly plunge NW and SE. Structural analyses using the Hansen slip method revealed that the allochthonous units were transported from NE to SW along a plane oriented N 10°–40° W and dipping 20°–40° NE in its current location. Other structures also confirm this top to SW tectonic transport direction.

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