
Mechanics of foreland thrust belt development can be explained using paleostress orientations from dynamic analyses of microstructures in quartz, calcite, and dolomite. Deformation in the hinterland must also be considered since the two basic models--gravity spreading and lateral tectonic compression--predict substantially different stress fields in this region. Petrofabric studies in the Meade plate show that compression was dominantly layer-parallel, trending approximately east-west. On overturned fold limbs, compression at 50-80° to bedding suggests a locking angle which agrees well with existing theoretical and experimental analyses of kink-folding. Observed kink-fold geometries may be a necessary result of ramp configurations in the decollement thrust surface. These data are in accord with either of the two principal models. Dynamic analyses at scattered localities in the southern Idaho hinterland show primarily layer parallel or subparallel, east-west compression in all demonstrably allochthonous rocks at all structural levels. Fold vergence and local overturning indicate eastward translation along the undated, but probably Mesozoic, younger-over-older thrusts characteristic of this region. Near metamorphic core complexes, Tertiary thermal events may have affected preservation of older microstructures. Parautochthonous Precambrian metasediments between foreland and hinterland record compression at high angles to bedding. The age and origin of these microstructures are unknown at present. These studies indicate that maximum compression was nearly horizontal and oriented approximately east-west throughout southeastern Idaho during thrust belt activity. Therefore, the lateral tectonic compression model is favored. End_of_Article - Last_Page 669------------

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