
The Chibougamau area, occupying the northeastern part of the Abitibi greenstone belt is a large synclinorium of volcanic and sedimentary rocks enclosed within tonalitic gneisses. Several east–west–trending regional folds within this synclinorium are responsible for the vertical attitude of the strata. Synclinal structures, with youngest sediments within the core, possess axial-plane schistosity. Anticlines, on the other hand, either form domes with a core occupied by earlier tonalitic to dioritic plutons or are transected by a series of east–west-trending ductile faults (the Waconichi tectonic zone).An early deformation phase of low intensity (D1) generated broad, north–south folds without schistosity. The subsequent regional deformation, event D2, produced the large east–west folds. These deformations, in combination, produced the regional interference pattern of domes and basins. North–south horizontal shortening generated an east–west-trending schistosity associated with a vertical stretching lineation. Regional deformation at its climax produced a tightening of folds and rotation of fold axes parallel to the stretching lineation.Plutons deflected the regional east–west schistosity and formed concentric trajectories associated with "contact-strain aureoles." This produced small interaction zones or triple points characterized by strong vertical extension. These relations suggest an interference between a regional stress field, which produced north–south horizontal shortening, and local stress fields, controlled or deflected by granitoid plutons acting as competent bodies.East–west-trending ductile shear zones represent the final stage of the regional deformation. The observed northward and southward reverse movement along these east–west faults, their parallelism to the axial trace of folds, and the regional schistosity are probable evidence of a regime dominated by a coaxial strain.

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