
A two‐layer lithospheric stretching model that includes the effects of decompression melting was used to estimate the deformation and thermal evolution of the Queen Charlotte Basin, British Columbia. The basin contains up to 6 km of Tertiary fill and is postulated to have been formed during a transtensional stage of Cenozoic plate motion between the Pacific and North American plates. Several models of basin formation have been proposed to explain the sediment distribution, contemporaneous volcanism and high present‐day heat flow.We used bathymetry, Tertiary sediment thickness and crustal thickness to calculate the amount of stretching in the crust and lower lithosphere, and the volume of melt generated during advection of mantle rocks. A second set of calculations traced the thermal evolution of the sediments and lithosphere, and we show maps of estimated present‐day heat flow and sediment maturity. This study differs significantly from previous work in the use of gridded data that provide coverage over a large region and permit lateral variations in lithospheric deformation and thermal properties to be clearly defined, a difficult quest in studies based on single‐point or profile data. In addition, the use of crustal thickness, derived from a regional interpretation of gravity data and constrained by seismic refraction results, as an input allows reliable estimates of extension to be made despite recent deformation of sedimentary strata in Hecate Strait.We present results for a model which used a prerift crustal thickness of ≈34 km and a short rifting period from 25 to 20 Ma. This model infers that significant thinning occurred beneath south‐western Hecate Strait and southern Queen Charlotte Sound, and several kilometres of igneous crust were added at these sites, without requiring elevated asthenospheric temperatures prior to extension. Net lithospheric extension is surprisingly uniform within the basin and averages 76%, or ≈50 km, across the margin. This amount is consistent with other estimates of extension and may provide information useful in refining models of plate motion along this margin.

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