
Since 2003 IPLA is taking part, in the project “Innovative interventions for the natural habitat protection and connection in order to create an ecological network” promoted by GAL Alta Langa. The final aim of the project, that has finished at the end of 2006, is to realize an ecological network where the elements are also truffières in which management practices are carried out in order to improve the Tuber magnatum Pico habitat. Using two SIR (Site of regional interest), located in Langa, as core areas three truffières have been selected; since spring 2004, the experimental activities have been carried out. The first truffières (Barbaresco, CN) is located in a mixed white poplar wood with black locust. The first practices were the trees and shrubs thinning in order to increase the light and water availability and improve the organic matter cycle. The second one (Monchiero-CN) is an oak (Quercus robur) and black poplar wood of limited extension (less than 1000 square meters). Here the first practices were the shrubs thinning and the digging of narrow channels in contour in order to make easier the soil wetting. The last truffières (Murazzano-CN) is a young black poplar wood grown after the cutting of some big trees; here at first Rubus sp., that covers a great part of the undergrowth, has been cut. This first management practices gave good results and the experimental activities will be carried on.

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