
The purpose of this review was to address the central theme of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) in coaching. “Technology-enhanced learning” (TEL), has become a widely-accepted term for describing the interface between digital technology and teaching. The aim was to consider the evidence of TEL in coach education, and where appropriate the wider educational field. The review sought to contribute to an evidence base of suggestions that can be promoted and developed inside and outside of coach development structures and interventions for TEL. In addition, the review sought to outline future areas for research, and to stimulate debate about the implementation and effectiveness of technology-enhanced coach learning. The review utilised a critical methodology, using principles of systematic review to gather evidence pertaining to TEL in coaching. From this number, and considering the inclusion criteria, 64 articles were included and reviewed in detail. The review revealed how despite the use of technology in coaching, teaching and learning the evidence of their efficacy is weak, and the use of TEL in coaching requires further longitudinal research that considers learner, pedagogy and pedagogic design in context, in order to understand its potential impact on optimising coach development pedagogies, and therefore, contributing to a discourse of effective coach learning.

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