
Language is a means of communication to share our ideas, thoughts to access the related information in the fields of science and technology, business, trade, commerce etc., Many scientific inventions, discoveries and enormous wealth of knowledge stored in libraries and internet facilitate the learners to enhance the knowledge all over the world. English plays a major role as a link language to meet the requirements of different topics to suit the taste of the people to read in the printed form or internet generated online web pages. To relish the taste of the language certain basic structures related in the boundaries of grammar, syntax, lexical patterns with a trace of vocabulary awareness have to be cultivated through regular reading habits. Reading is an excellent process of active participation of interaction between the reader and the writer to comprehend the printed version of the texts in a logical way. Reading involves the ability to use strategies such as visual insight of key words, phrases, fast eyemovements to grasp the central idea of the given topic. The more the student reads, with longer duration of print exposure , develops the concentration levels and confidence to acquire fast reading to get rough idea of the topic through skimming, scanning the accurate information to form ideas of visual information of semantic mapping in the mind. The study mainly focuses on the students reading habits to implant self learning techniques and strategies to read independently, to improve automatic retention of vocabulary, grammar and comprehension abilities. Research studies showed that the students who nourish in print rich atmosphere have greater competence in varied aspects of language learning including vocabulary, syntax, spellings knowledge of literature, culture, history etc., through practical methods. An Extensive reading has a wide aspect of learning especially outside the classroom hours to motivate and encourage learners to read enormous literature on various topics of interest. A sample study was conducted in three different Engineering colleges at B.Tech level in various aspects of learning. The workshop was conducted for a week to test their proficiency levels such as grammar, vocabulary and usage of words in different contexts. They were asked to read books on different topics graded at their cognitive levels with the mention of glossary at the end of each lesson. The research findings revealed that the students enjoyed reading books with simple vocabulary with lots of pictures, graphs and lively dialogues through practical teaching methods. The students tried to grasp the textual information through innovative thinking of individual ideas and thoughts through discussion, goals of reading, underlining the points in a strategical way of comprehending the texts. This clearly states that the students reading their selected materials in a relaxed tension free environment develop cognitive and Meta-cognitive strategies such as semantic mapping, visual perception of words, Skimming, Scanning the relevant information through incidental unconscious retention of language proficiency..

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