
The doctrine of technological neutrality posits that technology itself lacks moral value and it is only the use by humans that bestows value upon it. However, this perspective overlooks the social context of technology itself, as well as the political, economic, and cultural factors involved in its research, development, and application. In fact, technology not only reflects the value orientations of designers and users but also embodies the social structure and human behavior of a certain stage. Especially in the era of artificial intelligence, technology possesses the capability to operate autonomously, and the autonomous operation of technological products can present the value defects at the design stage in a scaled manner, leading to systemic biases and injustices. This paper analyzes the purpose of technological design and the power manipulation reflected in technological code, demonstrating that technology is not neutral and does not imply justice. Technology needs to be supervised and regulated by ethics, law, society, and other aspects to safeguard human interests and dignity.

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