
Time series appear in many scientific fields and are an important type of data. The use of time series analysis techniques is an essential means of discovering the knowledge hidden in this type of data. In recent years, many scholars have achieved fruitful results in the study of time series. A statistical analysis of 120,000 literatures published between 2017 and 2021 reveals that the topical research about time series is mostly focused on their classification and prediction. Therefore, in this study, we focus on analyzing the technical development routes of time series classification and prediction algorithms. 87 literatures with high relevance and high citation are selected for analysis, aiming to provide a more comprehensive reference base for interested researchers. For time series classification, it is divided into supervised methods, semi-supervised methods, and early classification of time series, which are key extensions of time series classification tasks. For time series prediction, from classical statistical methods, to neural network methods, and then to fuzzy modeling and transfer learning methods, the performance and applications of these different methods are discussed. We hope this article can help aid the understanding of the current development status and discover possible future research directions, such as exploring interpretability of time series analysis and online learning modeling.

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