
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the performance of improved variety with the scientifi c package of practices (POP) on production, productivity and profi tability adoption and horizontal spread of chickpea. Three hundred CFLDs were conducted in 120 ha area with active participation of farmers and scientifi c staff of KVK. According to data analysis, the highest grain yield was obtained in demonstrated practices (DP) with an average of 2093 kg/ha as compared to farmer practice (FP) with an average of 1769 kg/ha, The average net return (Rs 662631 /ha) was obtained in the DP and Rs 528941 that was in FP. The most important factor B:C ratio indicates that whether CFLD technology is profi table or not. The average benefi t cost ratio was recorded higher in CFLDs (3.36) as compared to FP (3.08) during the period of investigation. An average seedling, maturity and total wilt complex disease occurrence only 14.66, 11.79 and 26.45, respectively showed wilting symptoms in DP as compared to 18.48. 14.69 and 33.18, respectively in FP. Thus, the result undoubtedly indicates that the use of improved variety and POP with scientifi c interventions under CFLDs program contribute to increase the production, productivity and profi tability of chickpea.

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