
The possibility of using measuring information on the power consumption (watt-metrogram) by the electric motor of a sucker rod pumping unit for diagnosing the technical condition of oil well equipment is considered. It is shown that one of the possible ways in this case can be the application of Noise technology to the processing of wattmetrogram signals.A technology is proposed for forming a set of combinations of reference and current informative attributes from the estimates of the normalized correlation functions of the useful signal of a wattmeter card; it is shown that they are equivalent to informative attributes of a dynamometer card received from a force transducer installed on the hanger of a sucker rod pumping unit. It is also shown that they equally reflect the technical condition of the well, due to which the informative attribute of the wattmeter card can be used to solve the problems of control, identification and management the oil production process with a sucker rod pumping unit. Variants of decreasing the error in the results of correlation analysis of the watt-metrogram and a variant of using the normalized correlation functions of the useful signal of the watt-metrogram for solving problems of identifying the technical state of the equipment of sucker rod pumping stations are proposed. To increase the effectiveness of monitoring systems, it is proposed to duplicate the system diagnostic function using the spectral technology for the control of the onset and dynamics of development of faults. The features of implementation in the fields are given. Possible options for using the normalized correlation functions of the useful signal of the wattmetrogram for solving the problems of identifying the technical state of wells during its operation are considered. A simplified structural diagram of the remote monitoring and control system of the sucker rod pumping unit based on the wattmetrogram signals, which has been introduced at the wells of the oil production department "Bibiheybatneft" in Azerbaijan, is presented. It is shown that the algorithms and technologies for analyzing the interference of wattmetrograms proposed in the work, in principle, can be widely used in many areas of the economy where electric motors are used.

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