
Technology Focus The number of papers available for this feature almost tripled compared to the introduction of the Seismic Applications feature in 2009. The encouraging increase and the diversity of covered subjects mirror current challenges and the latest developments in seismic technologies. Striking, but not unexpected, is the significant growth of papers related to unconventional hydrocarbons. Economical development of unconventional shale-gas reservoirs remains challenging, even if the petroleum systems are known, are laterally continuous, and usually require fewer delineation studies. Nevertheless, azimuthal-3D-seismic studies have a large potential in high grading low-permeability reservoirs with reliable fracture-network estimates. Despite the huge number of well locations that can be affected, significant seismic-cost reductions are needed to acquire basin-scale onshore seismic surveys routinely for unconventional resources. Seismic technologies for unconventionals typically assess fracture density or the efficiency of permeability-enhancing treatments on a smaller scale. Microseismic monitoring of hydraulic-fracture stimulations has experienced a steep rise in use and has improved the understanding of permeability enhancements through fracturing by close integration of seismologists, geologists, and geomechanical experts. Modern 3D-seismic technologies are fundamental for reliable prediction of reservoir properties, pressures, and fluids and to enable robust safe-well planning. Whether one is drilling for infill or exploration, a degree of uncertainty remains. Calibrating surface seismic with real-time borehole measurements can bridge the gap between predrill planning and actual well operations effectively, which is especially valuable for challenging deepwater wells. Real-time measurements are an accurate and powerful tool to mitigate drilling risks related to borehole stability and pore-pressure prediction and to allow timely adjustments while drilling. Complex seismic simulations are being used increasingly to study seismic-wave phenomena and to identify suitable acquisition geometries and processing schemes. New acquisition techniques, such as simultaneous shooting, enhance seismic-acquisition productivity significantly and enable a much denser sampling. 4D (time-lapse) seismic can be considered a mature technology for high-porosity offshore oil fields. Yet, the integration of 4D seismic in dynamic reservoir models is still an area of extensive research, and various approaches are discussed and trialed. Seismic Applications additional reading available at OnePetro: www.onepetro.org SPE 138864 “A Study of the Impact of 4D-Seismic Data on TSVD-Based Schemes for History Matching” by F. Dickstein, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, et al. SPE 137919 “We Need to Rethink the Acquisition and Processing Parameters for Sea-Bottom Seismic in the Arabian Gulf” by Karl A. Berteussen, Petroleum Institute, et al. SPE 138201 “Distance-Separated Simultaneous Sweeping: Efficient 3D Vibroseis Acquisition in Oman” by Jack Bouska, BP Oman.

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