
Technology Focus The overarching theme of work published during the past year relating to production and facilities is performance and productivity improvement—doing more with less at a lower cost. This applies to the character of work that was performed and the topics that were investigated. The publications clearly illustrate how the low-price environment stimulated creativity in the improvement of existing operations and technologies as well as in the development of new technologies. Nearly one-third of the papers reviewed for this feature involved the use of digital models and simulations. Models were used to verify the study results or were improved on the basis of study results. Where adequate models were unavailable, new ones were developed (paper SPE 182450). Computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) simulations played an important role in a number of published studies. One study (paper OTC 27762) validates simulations by actual physical testing and includes an evaluation of multiphase CFD flow-modeling techniques. Overall, this year’s publications confirm the pervasive dependence of technological advancements on the use of valid and (hopefully) reliable digital modeling. “Big data” played a role in several investigations, with objectives that ranged from optimizing field production (paper SPE 182450) to improving maintenance and lowering the cost for it (paper OTC 27788). Big data was also incorporated into project management by forward-using available information to systematically “Eliminate Decision Bias in Facilities Planning” (paper SPE 187283). Compressors and compression are components of facilities that often show higher capital and maintenance costs, so it is not surprising that several papers described means to reduce these costs. Three papers addressed compressor failure/reliability issues (papers SPE 183322, SPE 183528, and SPE 183253), while two papers described means to improve production economics by the purposeful application of compressor technology, including the use of a multiphase compressor to improve recoveries on a marginal wellhead platform (paper IPTC 18692). Inflow-control devices (ICDs) were addressed by several authors, with some focusing on the application of ICDs to steam-injection wells (paper SPE 183842). Others reported on the development of new types of devices that operate on electrical resistance (paper SPE 185682) or are viscosity independent (paper SPE 183930). Finally, the use of 3D printing for oil-field applications was described in two papers (papers OTC 27540 and OTC 27766). A review of existing and emerging nanotechnology applications in the oil patch was also provided (paper SPE 183301). Recommended additional reading at OnePetro: www.onepetro.org. OTC 27762 Modeling of a Full-Scale Horizontal Liquid/Liquid Separator Under Conditions of Varying Flow Rate, Water Cut, and Viscosity With Experimental Validation by A.B. McCleney, Southwest Research Institute, et al. SPE 183842 Developing a Robust Inflow-Control Device Suitable for High-Rate Injection by Joshua Snitkoff, Baker Hughes, a GE Company, et al. SPE 183840 A Robust Framework for ICD Design in a Giant Field Using 4D Dynamic Modeling by O.A. Ogunsanwo, Schlumberger, et al.

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