
The World Health Organization recognized COVID-19 as a pandemic. In Kenya, the government announced the first case of COVID-19 on 13 March 2020. Spontaneously, the government established a mitigation committee at the national level to give daily briefs on the state of the COVID-19 crisis in the country. Thus, the study sought to examine the online platforms used amid the Covid 19 pandemic in tertiary institutions in Kenya and the influence of these platforms on online learning. The study was a literature-based review. The study findings indicated that most online platforms used for online learning by the tertiary institutions include zoom, video conferencing, email, WhatsApp, telegram, video streaming, skype and google classroom. The online platforms have reduced face-to-face interactions and thus minimized the spread of the Covid 19 virus. The online platforms determined the extent of online learning among the tertiary institutions in Kenya. Online learning has been considered to be vital in ensuring the success of teaching despite the pandemic. The study concluded that online platforms promoted online learning among the tertiary institutions in Kenya. The online learning offers enormous opportunities for learning and access to a vast amount of knowledge and information. Online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has been enhanced by the effectiveness of the online platforms being used. The study recommended that online platforms such as zoom, video conferencing, email, WhatsApp, telegram, video streaming, skype and google classroom should be promoted within the tertiary institutions in Kenya since they promote online learning. The tertiary institutions to maximize the use of technology (online platforms) to teach and enhance online learning since the majority of the learners possess smartphones and laptop devices. Moreover, the tertiary institutions should lobby for subsidized internet bundles from internet providers and policymakers should reduce tax levies for internet service providers to offer affordable and reliable internet connections to learners and instructors off-campus. The university management and government should prioritize capacity building for lecturers and other users to enhance online education skills and knowledge. Keywords: Online platforms, online learning, tertiary institutions, COVID-19 pandemic, Kenya

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