
Even though fuzzy logic is one of the most common methodologies for matching different kind of data sources, there is no study which uses this methodology for matching publication and patent data within a technology evaluation framework according to the authors’ best knowledge. In order to fill this gap and to demonstrate the usefulness of fuzzy logic in technology evaluation, this study proposes a novel technology evaluation framework based on an advanced/improved version of fuzzy logic, namely; interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems (IT2FSSs). This framework uses patent data obtained from the European Patent Office (EPO) and publication data obtained from Web of Science/Knowledge (WoS/K) to evaluate technology groups with respect to their trendiness. Since it has been decided to target technology groups, patent and publication data sources are matched through the use IT2FSSs. The proposed framework enables us to make a strategic evaluation which directs considerations to use-inspired basic researches, hence achieving science-based technological improvements which are more beneficial for society. A European Classification System (ECLA) class – H01-Basic Electric Elements – is evaluated by means of the proposed framework in order to demonstrate how it works. The influence of the use of IT2FSSs is investigated by comparison with the results of its type-1 counterpart. This method shows that the use of type-2 fuzzy sets, i.e. handling more uncertainty, improves technology evaluation outcomes.

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