
Ten years have passed since a SIGUCCS conference presentation provided a spark that ignited a program for student staffing at Grinnell College: Technology Consultants (TCs). Student staffing issues are a constant topic for discussion since they have become an important part of many Information Technology (IT) departments, and after ten years, the Grinnell College program has evolved into a successful staffing model.First, hire the right people! There is a comprehensive and selective hiring process where applications are scored, students interviewed and trainees selected. Then, teach the right stuff! The 8 week training program is composed of three parts: mentored lab shifts, workshops and a project. When trainees successfully complete each of these components, they are invited to take a practical test of their skills.Last, make them want to stay! The work experience not only should provide job skills, but also needs to be enjoyable so that the generation Y students want to work. Try to provide opportunities for those interested, to learn and do more, like advanced certification. Professional development opportunities are encouraged through experiential workshops and summer training sessions. There are leadership opportunities for those who qualify. The TCs even have the opportunity to do IT volunteer work in the local schools and put on their propellor beanies to help new students connect to the network at the beginning of fall semester.There are many challenges when students help staff IT services. It is not only a management challenge, but also a great benefit when the right structure is in place.

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