
The chief purpose of the investigation was the creation and theoretical foundation of the main features of the technology basis of digital agrarian business-model, which allows to estimate the value of the useable land. Methodological information was theories of constant accounting, technological theories of scientific revolutions, and theories of stages of economic growth. We applied abstract-logical technique of research, modeling methods, formalization procedure and another approaches. The database included tables of annual accounting reports of agricultural organizations and technological maps of crop cultivation. We suggest the term "Technology basis of the digital agrarian business-model," which constitute a combination of three factors of agricultural production, which are closely related. These factors are soil fertility and technological attributes of lands; climate indicators; innovative technologies which use geographic information systems. The most important part of the technology basis of the agrarian business-model is the process maps of crop cultivation, which used as digital twins of real production processes. However, the basis also includes the annual accounting report of agricultural organizations using the software products of the 1C platform after their adaptation. Adaptation of 1C-accounting platform applications means the separation agricultural procedures and production costs between their variable and constant costs (this step is necessary to calculate the efficiency of applied technologies and economic assessment of used land), the creation of a cluster for technological monitoring and forecast of crop yield, as well as the introduction of a managing cluster in application. This last one is capable of evaluating the effectiveness of various innovative products, optimizing the use of available resources, combining the technological module with the geographic information environment. The main function of technology basis is to estimate the value of the used land based on balance between the correlation of natural to artificial fertility of soils and the correlation of constant to variable costs.

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